The base is 4' square, and has two pressure treated 2x4s for a foundation. The angled sides are one sheet of plywood, with one end being 3.5 feet, the other end being 4.5 feet. I figured that's a good angle to let the rain off the coop. I had to move the operation inside the garage because it started raining/hailing/sunshining too much for comfort.

The nest box is 36" long, 12" deep and 16" high where it touches the wall of the coop. I built it so it'd have a 4" lip to keep the nesting material and eggs in.

The roof cut measured 5' long, and left just over 4" hanging off each side. Perfect for the cedar shingles I want to use for roofing on the coop.

Here it is with the roof still off, and the vent open in the back. I will eventually put chicken wire up in there.

The chickens still aren't big enough to get onto the roosting beams, so I have a ramp for them for now until they decide they can fly up there. Spoiled little things, I know.

How about some more baby pictures?? Here's the little darlings in the creche we built for them. They stayed at Tamara's place until the coop was built.

And here's one of them figuring out she can flap her way on top to stare out the window. We suspect this is a rooster. You can also see why using a styrofoam creche is a bad idea. They pecked the hell out of it! There's some places they were digging their way out to freedom and we had to seal it up with tape and cardboard.

And here they are in their new digs before I seal up the roof.

It looks plenty big for them now, but they'll get about twice as big as they are now when they're adults.

The two standard New Hampshire reds will get even bigger. Well, that's all for now! I still have to shingle it and possibly paint it, and I'm in the process of building their run so they can hang out outside.
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