Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally, we have eggs!! It's about time those featherdusters earned their keep. It's two little mint green eggs about 3/4 the size of regular 'medium' sized eggs. It's definitely Noodle or Patty since they're the Americaunas. We still have yet to get rid of Henry. That little bugger is a rapist! He's given up trying to woo the ladies and just grabs them by the scruff of the neck and tries to mount them. I say 'try' because he's usually not successful, and the two Standard size New Hampshire's just attack him back.

Here's a store-bought egg for size reference.

Anyways, there's a farm that's going to take him and Nugget, and we'll get two pullets in trade. Nugget and Henry are just in luv with each other, even though Henry's a dirty bastard. We named him after Henry the VIII but I guess it works out he was SUPPOSED to be a hen. The problem is the farm's way the heck out near Hillsboro, and that's quite a drive! I may be taking him(them) out there on Monday. Here's new photos of the chickens! They're all grown up at 4 months old and will start laying more eggs soon.

That's Nugget, General Tso and Raptor Red

That's Patty and Nugget. Hiding in the back is Noodle.

This is Nugget and Henry. Look at the plumage!

The grey Americauna is gone, which I had named Peckerhead(it was a tie between that and Asshole). I named him that because he would crow at all daylight hours. Loudly. Constantly. It was awful. You realize we get 16 hours of sun a day now. Yea it sucked.

I have more cedar shakes for the coop! Mom and Bob brought some down from their BOL out in Granite from the roof of their shack... I mean LUXURY HUNTING CABIN. They've replaced the roof with tar shingles and didn't need these anymore. I'll be cutting em down and fitting em to the chicken coop so it's well protected from the rain.